Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tridilidom dam and dim (short story 9)

Tridilidom and tridilidam went out to look for their tridilidim. They had no idea how they manage to loose him again as they were watching him the whole time, or at least they thought they did. "He must have crawled through the piglet hole" said tridilidom and giggled to himself as he imagined the picture in his head. But tridilidam didn't find it funny at all and replied with her sarcastic tone "of course he did, and I bet he's having tea with him right now...?" Tridilidom was about to reply that this is probably exactly what tridilidim is doing but something in tridilidam tone startle him,.."hmm... ye.. hmm..." he said and couldn't really decide what he should say so he went on .."hmmm, ye.. hmm... eh.." when suddenly he spotted piglet behind a tree further on. "Hey piglet, emmm, have you seen tridilidim?" he shouted towards him, but no reply from piglet as he was busy staring at his own huge legs. At that moment tridilidom realised how silly he was thinking that piglet can talk or have tea... "Ohhhh" he sighed "what will we do? how will we ever find him? he could have gone anywhere in this big endless field... we lost him forever". Tridilidom was sobbing while trying helplessly to think of an idea...He turned around to look at tridilidam and to ask her to think hard for a good idea as she usually does, but he couldn't find her at the spot where she was standing before he started sobbing in despair. Naturally that made him panic even more and while he was now crying out loud for his two losses he heard a little whisper from just behind his back. He turned around and couldn't see anything. The poor little creature was in so much sorrow that when he finally opened his eyes he couldn't even see that tridilidam and tridilidim were playing hide and seek just a few steps away from where he was lying down for his afternoon nap in the field.

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