Thursday, July 7, 2011

International Piano Competitions

For the classical music fans and especially piano fans that are interested in international competitions, the following link has all competitions, festivals and events including dates and further links to the different websites:

Checking the “Piano Calendar” from the menu on the left, you can see there are many competitions all around the world almost all year round. I don’t know if all the competitions have or will have an online webcast to view the performances but I will keep posting updates on the relevant competition when covered.

The next competition I will post updates on will be:
Cleveland International Piano Competition July 27th – August 7th, 2011.

Liszt International Piano Competition September 8th – 19th, 2011.

More information will be posted later this month.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,

    Thanks for your comment.

    There are a few nice concerts on and around July 20th in Vienna, see link:

    1. Only Mozart program at the Wiener Konzerthaus – nice program with the Vienna Mozart orchestra and internationally renowned vocalist and instrumentalists but remember, it is ONLY music by Mozart.

    2. Program of Mozart and Strauss at the Schonbrunn Palace.

    3. July 21st, you can go see Mozart Requiem at the Kalskirche (St. Charles’s church), a beautiful piece for orchestra, choir and soloists, if you never heard it live before it is truly a magnificent experience.

    4. July 22nd The Four Seasons by Vivaldi will be performed at the same church (Kalskirche). Also recommended if applicable.



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