Tuesday, July 30, 2013

At a festival

6 days and nights, full on, hard work, making coffee and waffles for 12 hours in a row (mostly at night), sometimes longer, standing on the legs. Almost every day also a shopping trip before and/or after the shift, more supply..

Sleeping time, hard to fall asleep, exhausted but also hyped up, in the early morning loud music, and not the kind to fall a sleep to... in the late morning sun shining on the tent, sauna inside.. 5 more days to go, can I do this?

2nd day, after 3.5 hours sleep and some walking around; back on the shift, the shift got longer, can not leave the stand, legs are screaming, what can I do?

Too hot outside to practice, the only time available was in the afternoon...

So what is the practice of yoga? All books says yoga practice is not just on the mat. It's a way of life, it's how you operate in life and so in different situations. Yoga teaches 'Accept', 'accept and let go...' So yes, I accept, no one made me do this, it was my own choice, I knew what I was going to do and I chose to do it. So, conditions are not favorable for the mat, do what you can.

Some simple stretches outside the tent after waking up, constantly keeping in mind the posture in whatever movement doing; simple standing by the coffee machine, the waffles trolly or in line to the toilets – Tadasana. Lifting high up a 5L water container to fill the coffee machine, extending high to get something out of a box above the fridge – partial Urdhave hastasana. Bending down below the counter to get different condiments or constantly searching for supply under all counters/tables – Uttanasana. Going on a water run to fill the 5L and 10L containers, not balanced, need to add some more weight somehow on the side carrying the 5L container... keeping the shoulders rolling down and arms rotating out baring the weight...At the end of the shift, lying down in the tent - Shavasana. A few breathing exercises to calm down and try to sleep.

This was my practice for last 6 days. Tomorrow, a restorative session...body is aching, need some rest and definitely needs a practice.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

End of another chapter

One end is another beginning.
It was a lovely journey, I enjoyed it so much. Not every day was as rosy but then again, should it be..?
Again routine, a different one this time, conditions not as favorable as the last, in some ways better in some less, over all, to watch it all, observe, explore, record, experience....loved it all.
Routine, how weird, can actually be nice. Same same but also different :)
Same route of morning walk, same breakfast at the forest, lunch, lunch break, afternoon walk, dinner and each day different actors, different background; the conditions around, rain/sun/wind/sunshine, power cut, no travelers, more travelers, full moon, new moon.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Morning walk

The morning walk, 6:30, so peaceful and beautiful. The same morning route, but different. Seasons changing.
The sun low in the sky behind the hills of the east bank of the river. The non-shiny color of the water in the river. The temples on the other side, along the river. The birds on the trees on both sides of the road. Today no Peacocks.
Birds singing, no cows, no monkeys, no dogs, no cars, no trucks, no engine fumes, just stillness, quiet, peace. Then the wind blows slightly, leftover of the night blows, before the sun comes out and heat up the earth. How nice to walk, how nice to be here...
A relaxing walk to wake up and prepare for the hard concentration of the morning's Zubin's class.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Swiss Garden

Swiss Garden
Sitting at the most farther table at the back facing the forest. Sound of the generator in front of the restaurant which is now to my back.
The crow on the tree next to me keeps crowling, maybe he's annoyed by the loud sound as well... or maybe he's just conversing with the other crows and birds on the other trees...?
It is hot today, so nice to sit in just a T-shirt while out of the sun again :)
It is different; different activities, people, season, food, facilities, sounds, practice, same place, same swiss cottage for the past 40 days but very different. Cool. Nice. Fun.
The crow just landed on a table spilling the sugar jar all over. I turned to look by the sound of the metal sugar jar falling, he saw me looking and flew back to his spot on the tree above.
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